I know-the whole world is fat! Everyone is fighting obesity-Tough patooties! There is NOTHING finer than hot MOLASSES DOUGHNUTS in the morning! Moderation in all things is the key here folks-so just don't make a double batch-OK?
(If you can help it.....)
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup molasses
2 eggs
4 tbls wesson oil
1 cup sour or buttermilk
(make whole milk sour by adding a tsp of lemon-juice)\
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp nutmeg
a dash of lemon
3 1/2 cups of flour
mix all ingredients together to form a sticky ball
It will roll out easier if you place the dough in the fridge for about an hour to chill
flour the board,the rolling pin and the doughnut cutter!
if you do not have a doughnut cutter-clean and reomve both ends of a vegetable can and do the same with a smaller juice can(I have been known to use a large presciption bottle for the doughnut-holes)
Now roll out the dough to about 1/4 inch thick slab and cut the doughnuts(be sure to keep the cutting-tool well floured)
in a large-deep skillet put wnough wesson-oil to egual appx 1 inch deep-heat to 450 degrees
drop the doughnuts in the oil -appx 3 at a time(the oil needs to stay hot to prevent the doughnuts from becoming to saturated) cook each side to a rich brown.remove and place on coffee-filters to drain and cool.(ok you can use paper-towels but the filters absorb more-new ones please!
optional: place a cup of sugar in a paper bag and drop the doughnuts in seal the bag and shake until all are coated!!!!
This step not only coats the doughnuts with sugar, you can use the action towards you accumulative exercise for the day! (Although if you eat a doughnut,I suppose it is considered -NEGATED!)
It is time now to put on a pot of coffee-sit back grab a doughnut and DUNK-Away!
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