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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Stock the Larder Recipes and Primary Stores

Hopefully, access to stores will never be curtailed. Hopefully, food prices will not climb so high as to be out of reach. Hopefully, we will never have a Natural Disaster that cuts off access to electricity,potable water,transportation,communication. Hopefully.......
Any and all of the above are not only possible,they are plausible-Are you prepared to last at home for a week,2 weeks,a year?????
I am in Florida. Hurricane preparation is a way of life! New England,Mountain States.Texas (practicallay EVERY state) has major snow-storms,ice storms, and the like in the winter...spring brings floods,tornadoes, Nor' Easters,etc......In a few words-ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!
I thought I would post recipes on Saturday and Sundays for jerky,dried fruits,pre-mixed sweets(that just need aggs,water and oil to complete) along with items to ALWAYS have in your larder(pantry).
The important thing is to have the supplies you needfor you and your family to survive....If your expertise grows,you can help your neighbors survive too!
Please feel free to join in! Email me your recipes at and I will add them to the weekend entries. I will add all I get on Saturdays and Sundays and will make sure you are acknoledged as the sender!

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