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Friday, May 4, 2012

Nana's Switchel

My Dear Friend Dusty sent me this recipe-it is an oldy,but goody healthy thirstquencher! Years ago this simple concoction was kept on hand to quench thirst,sooth an achy stomach and generally keep yer innards balanced!!! My general feeling is-it is the precurser to Gator-Ade!!!
Mix it up and keep in the fridge for the hot summer days to come!!!
Pour off a cup full and use as a "starter" for marinades of all sorts too!

Nana's recipe for 'Switchel'.

2/3 Cup Honey

1/3 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar

2 Quarts Water

Mix honey & vinegar & add to water to make 2 Quarts.

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